Elizabeth Laird at the Free Times Cafe

Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Time:  11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Venue: 320 College St.  (brunch buffet available)

Tickets: PWYC, open to IBBY Canada members only; limited seating, please rsvp to theoheras@gmail.com

Description IBBY Canada and the Toronto Storytelling Festival invite you to an informal gathering with festival featured teller Elizabeth Laird. A keynote at the 2012 IBBY Conference in London, and a children’s writer with vast international experience, she will be talking about her life and work. Her recent book Two Crafty Jackals: The Animal Fables of Kahlilah and Dimna is published by the Aga Khan Museum, and will be launched Sunday, March 22 at the Museum. Elizabeth (elizabethlaird.co.uk) is the author of many books for children, young adults, and those beginning to read in English. Born in New Zealand, Laird has lived in England, Malaysia, Ethiopia, Scotland, India, Iraq, Lebanon, and Austria, and run writing workshops in Kazakhstan and Palestine. A recent book — The Lure of the Honey Bird — chronicles her travels through Ethiopia collecting folktales.

An invitation-only event of the 2015 Toronto Storytelling Festival, co-sponsored by IBBY Canada; Aga Khan Museum; the Ismaili Centre, Toronto; and with thanks to Free Times Café.