Canadian Titles on IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities List

There are 14 Canadian titles of 60 on the IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities List, a biennial catalogue of the best titles catering to children and youth with disabilities. This curated selection is shown around the world, including at the Bologna Book Fair, and the books are housed at the Haug School and Resource Centre near Oslo. Here are the Canadian selections:
Torrie & The Snake-Prince by K.V. Johansen (Annick Press)
The Bite of the Mango by Mariatu Kamara (Annick Press)
Free as a Bird by Gina McMurphy-Barber (Dundurn)
La clé by Angèle Delaunois, illustrated by Christine Delezenne (Editions de l’Isatis)
Une petite bouteille jaune by Angèle Delaunois, illustrated by Christine Delezenne (Editions de l’Isatis)
Pied-de-Puce by Sylvie Nicolas, illustrated by Marion Arbona (Éditions Trampoline)
Boy in Motion by Ainslie Manson, illustrated by Renné Benoit (Greystone)
In Front of My House by Marianne Dubuc (Kids Can Press)
Me and You by Geneviève Côté (Kids Can Press)
Spork by Kyo Maclear, illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault (Kids Can Press)
Willow’s Whispers by Lana Button, illustrated by Tania Howells (Kids Can Press)
Terre de glaces by Louise-Michelle Sauriol (Les editions de soleil de minuit)
The Lucky One by Deborah Cowley, photos by Kathy Knowles (OSU Children’s Library Fund)
To Stand On My Own: The Polio Epidemic Diary of Noreen Robertson by Barbara Haworth-Attard (Scholastic)